FaceTime app is a wonderful free video and audio calling app available for iPhone, iPad and Mac OS X. This app is similar to other different apps present in Android like WhatsApp Facebook messenger etc. there are various reasons why FaceTime will have an issue and will not be working the way it should be.

We have researched on the internet about the FaceTime Apk and came up with the various solution for the various problems about the FaceTime not working. please get the best possible solutions to the most common issues of FaceTime not working below. First identified the problem facing the face time and apply the solution to make the FaceTime working again.
Fix FaceTime Not Working iPhone:
we listed multiple reasons why FaceTime is not working with solutions. Do check below and try the methods listed to get your Facetime to back on track.
1. Fix Error of FaceTime stuck on waiting for activation:

When you sign into the FaceTime app it will say waiting for activation, if any of your devices selfish saying this issue return of the first time and turn it back on again. To do so follow the following instruction for the iOS and Mac OS X.
To reset the FaceTime on iOS device, open settings > FaceTime and set FaceTime to off. Then again turn the FaceTime back on. To reset the FaceTime on Mac OS X device, open the FaceTime app and choose FaceTime > Preferences. Now set the first time off and then back on again.
2. FaceTime not working due to the wrong input of time and date in the device:
You may face FaceTime not working error due to the wrong date and time set on the iOS device you are using. To solve this problem check that the time and dataset are correctly in all the devices to do so, open system preferences on Mac and then click on date and time.
Check the box next to Set date and time automatically and choose the Apple on the current region server from the drop-down menu. To do the same an iOS device open settings > general > date and time, check its weight on the automatic option and turned on; and also make sure that time zone is it to your current location.
3. FaceTime not working due to the wrong input of the phone number in the FaceTime app:
FaceTime may also not work due to the wrong input of the phone number in the FaceTime app.
To check that tap on settings > FaceTime on your iOS device, and check that the correct phone number and the Apple id is listed below you can be reached FaceTime at.
If not tap on and add another email address. If you still facing the FaceTime not working error in US device then make sure that the person you are trying to make the call has the correct contact details for you.
4. FaceTime not working due to you being on the block list:

sometimes you are facing you are unable to call a certain person. Always make sure that you haven’t accidentally identified the person you are trying to call to the block list of FaceTime.
To check that go to iOS device and tap on settings > FaceTime > blocked a check that they are not on the list. If they’re around the blocklist then tap on it and tap the red remove I connect to the name to unblock that current contact.
5. FaceTime not working due to the device issue:

Sometimes first time may also not work due to device issues. Fix that and restart all your devices. Hold down the sleep wake button on the iOS device and use the slide to power off setting, then tap the sleep or wake button again to turn on the iOS device. Now click on apply > restart on the Mac OS X device.
Here’s How to Fix FaceTime not working on iPhone/iPad
After intense research on Google, I’ve found some of the best hacks that help fix the problem of FaceTime not working. I’ve tried these hacks when facing the trouble with FaceTime, and to my surprise, the tricks work. So, let’s check them out.
Your Apple Device Needs a Restart:
If you have a stable connection on your device, try restarting it turning it off and then on again. You can also force reboot, which is different from restarting. Once your device restarts, try FaceTime with your contacts. The issue will be resolved. However, if the issue still exists, let’s try another hack.
Facetime Is Not Available In Your Country:
Although you can access FaceTime worldwide, some countries don’t support this feature, such as the Middle East, including Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc. Hence, if you’ve purchased an iPhone from any of these regions, you’re not able to access this feature.
Even if you try to connect on FaceTime with your friends living in these areas, you cannot connect with them. You can only access the app in this region using VPN and setting different country regions.
Apple Services Might Be Down:
If you’re unable to access FaceTime or face trouble using this app on your iOS device, Apple services might be down. This can be why Facetime is not working the way it works.
Sometimes services are down for updates and other activities. In that situation, you can wait for some time and try to access the app again. If the issue doesn’t resolve, try other hacks.
Internet Connection Issue:
Have you ever seen the exclamation mark when you’re on a FaceTime call with your friends and family? The sign indicates you have either a slow internet connection or an unreliable network to call. If you too observe such a sign, switch your network and try FaceTime again.
Be sure that you have LTE signals using the cellular network. This way, the issue will be resolved, and you’ll be able to make FaceTime calls without any interruption.
Try Logging Out Of Facetime:
If FaceTime isn’t working properly on your iOS devices, log out entirely of Facetime and log in again. While logging in, be sure to fill in the correct username and password. To log out, go to the settings>FaceTime.
Now, tap on the Apple ID given under the Caller ID section and tap on the Sign Out option. Now, sign in again following the steps. Try to make a FaceTime call and hope the issue is fixed.
Problems with Group Chats:
This is the common problem why FaceTime is not working properly. Sometimes we connect with more than 30 people at one time on FaceTime. But connecting too many people can create call interruption. Therefore, try to follow the one-to-one chat method and add extra contact one at a time when the problem starts.
However, if you still face the problem, you might not have a stable internet connection. If a problem still exists, it might be a problem arising from the end of the contact with whom you’re trying to connect.
The Camera and Microphone Are Not Working:
If you can’t hear the voice properly on FaceTime, there may be an issue with the microphone and camera on an iOS device. Open the camera app and shoot the short video with the front-facing camera. Using Mac, use the Photo Booth app to test the camera.
Play video and check if there is an issue with the video and audio you’ve recorded. If there is a problem, get in touch with Apple tech support. They will resolve the issue.
Some Other Major Issues to Deal with Facetime Not Working Issue On iPhone Or iPad
Make Sure You Haven’t Missed an iOS Update:
Be sure to keep your device updated. Sometimes people face trouble in FaceTime calls when the device is not updated. So, check the latest iOS updates and update them to fix the problem.
To update your software, go to the setting> General> software update; here, the issue is fixed.
Reactivate the Application:
If you are facing a problem with FaceTime, this may be the sign your application needs to be reactive. To reactivate or reset the application on your iOS device, go to the setting>FaceTime and set it off. Now, turn on the FaceTime application. After reactivation, try to make a FaceTime call with any of your connections.
Facetime Is Turned Off In Content & Privacy Restrictions:
FaceTime is turned off due to content & privacy restrictions. Many iOS users turned on the Screen time restriction. The settings are usually activated to restrict children from accessing some features. If you’re facing such issues, go to the settings>Screen Time> Content & Privacy Restriction.
Now, go to the Allowed applications and turn on the camera and FaceTime. This way, the problem can be resolved.
Facetime Is Outdated:
You probably face problems with FaceTime when the application is outdated. If the application is outdated, then update it. This helps to fix the issues of FaceTime not working on your device. Additionally, update software to avoid such problems.
Firewall Is Blocking Access to Facetime:
FaceTime doesn’t work properly if your device’s Firewall blocks some necessary connection. This may happen due to third-party firewalls, which may or may not be configured. You can easily fix the problem without disabling Firewall and opening it with specific ports. Moreover, you can also check the Apple Firewall support page to get the right solution.
Other Potential issues which lead to Facetime Not Working Error on your Apple Devices:
Find Out if FaceTime Is Down for Everyone:
Sometimes Apple services FaceTime is down for everyone due to some technical problems. This means FaceTime doesn’t work for anyone. If this happens, wait for some time and check the system updates. Moreover, you can also check the Apple System Status website page to know the downtime schedule.
Make Sure You Use the Right Contact Details:
FaceTime doesn’t work if you use the wrong information or contact details. So, whenever you’re trying to use FaceTime, you must check all the contact details are accurate.
Limit the People in Your Group FaceTime Chat:
When you’re trying to add multiple contacts to have a group FaceTime chat, probably your FaceTime doesn’t work sufficiently. Limit the contacts initiating the one-to-one chat. Add extra contact only one at a time. This helps to find out the problem.
If FaceTime still doesn’t allow you to connect, there must be a problem with an internet connection or the device. If FaceTime doesn’t work only for a single contact, the problem may be from the contact end.
Sometime FaceTime doesn’t work due to an internet connection problem, outdated software or application is not updated. However, there are some more reasons I have described above that show why your FaceTime doesn’t work. Follow the solution mentioned above to deal with the problem.
I have mentioned several tricks and tips in this post. This will help to fix the FaceTime problems that you are facing. However, if the issues still exist, try to connect with Apple Tech support to get the right solution.
Final Words:
We have researched through the internet for the best possible solution for the most common error on the FaceTime not working.
We have created the list based on the most common error faced the highest platform users.
Is the solutions from our article and some problem with your device your facing. How to make sure that share this article with your friends so that they might also get the solution for the first time than others facing in their iOS devices.

Hi, Welcome to Facetimeforpc Myself Edward, Author and Founder of this blog. Im an application developer and loves to code for software and games. I have started this blog with my friends suggestion as we faced some issues with facetime during our daily chats.